If there was a universal and non-dangerous way to increase the girth of the penis, this question would have been long forgotten. However, there are proven methods that can be followed to achieve real penis thickening.
The growth of all tissues in the human body is ensured by increased blood flow, which promotes cell division.

It's not just blood flow and nutrients that support tissue growth. The signal of anabolism is the hormone testosterone, which is responsible for the primary signs of a man and the size of his dignity. But it must be remembered that growth (in length, width or thickness) always has natural limits.
Natural increase
This type of penis enlargement includes relatively safe methods without surgery. Technicians are completely manual or with the use of special devices. Simplistically, they can be divided into those that aim for length (stretching) and those that aim for girth (vascular exercises).
- Manual stretching: different types of manual stretching of the penis.
- Extender Stretch - Prolonged stretching of the penis with a special extender device.
- Suspension: a weight is suspended from the penis, as a result of which the penis gradually stretches, which over time leads to its enlargement.
Vascular exercise:
- Jelqing: manual pressure creation on the penis, thanks to a special massage.
- Clamping is an extreme NPL technique to increase the girth of the penis, based on clamping the base of the erect penis with a clamp.
- Pumping: creating pressure on the penis with a pump. There are vacuum, water (hydro) and electric pumps.
In addition, an elementary way to increase male dignity is to lose weight, since centimeters of the penis can be hidden behind the layer of pubic fat.
For beginners who don't know where to start, there is a special training program "Beginner's Program", which consists only of manual exercises. This program includes all the exercises necessary for initial growth.
There are several surgical methods for enlargement, but most of these operations carry great risks and often do not lead to the expected result:
- Ligamentotomy is the most popular operation that is performed through the cross section of the penile ligament. After the ligament is cut, the inside of the penis is removed with a special extender device.
- Lipofilling is the introduction of man's own adipose tissue, automatic fat, into the subcutaneous layer of the penis.
- Hyaluronic Acid Injections - A series of injections into the penis of special synthetic gels based on hyaluronic acid.
Household methods to increase sizes
The main goal of penis enlargement is to choose a method that is not a waste of time and money.
The most radical method. Not all men decide how to enlarge their penis by surgery. All other methods are inferior to the trade, however the price makes it beyond the reach of many. There are two types of surgical intervention:
- Adding length.
- Thickening.
Surgically, the penis can be enlarged up to 4 cm under local anesthesia in the clinic.
Micropenis | penis size does not exceed three cm |
Hypospadias | pathology in which the opening of the urethra may not be in the head, but under it: in the perineum, in the scrotum. The penis may be deformed, underdeveloped. |
Cavernous fibrosis | pathological consolidation of the cavernous tissue, its replacement by fibrous tissue. |
Epispadias | division of the wall of the urethra, partially or completely. |
Peyronie's disease | curvature of the penis due to fibrous neoplasms |
Gender change | Complete genital reconstruction |
Injury |
There are no direct indications for penis enlargement surgery, this procedure is plastic, called a ligamentotomy. Phalloplasty is performed in urological centers and in private clinics.
Those recommendations, which will be discussed in the article, will help to make your dick fat. Unlike the advice and methods offered by all kinds of "experts", these recommendations are absolutely safe for your health.
So, for example, the implantation of small metal balls under the skin can cause purulent formations and infectious diseases. And products that stretch the genitals can cause capillaries and ligaments to break.
Important! It is worth remembering that results may vary. They depend on the techniques used and the desired size increase. The average rate of thickening is equal to five centimeters.
You can often find advertisements featuring various creams as a means of rapidly enlarging the penis. This is simply misleading people, as the creams themselves do not directly enlarge the penis.
But not everything is so categorical. Specialized penis enlargement creams often serve as a good complement to jelqing. Many of these creams warm and hydrate the penis well during exercise, which is why nupers use them often. Using these remedies without exercise will not bring any results.
There are many alternatives to these tools. Various oils and ointments can be used as lubricants. For example, ordinary sunflower or olive oil, petroleum jelly.
How to increase the diameter of the penis?
There are several ways to thicken the penis at home, to increase its volume, but the main ones are:
- Pumps.
- Nozzles.
- Exercise sets.
- Various creams.
To identify a more profitable and convenient way for a man, you should consider each of the above.
The ways listed really make your penis bigger. We will consider the characteristics of each method in more detail below.
The result of the application is short-term, therefore, the use of the pump will be optimal before the start of intercourse.
To increase the thickness of manhood, special accessories are often used. This device cannot achieve a strong effect and is used exclusively during sexual intercourse, but in view of its simplicity, it allows you to achieve a satisfactory thickness of the penis.
Little can be said about its application in practice, since the essence of the mechanism is quite simple. Before sex, a member is placed in it, and after the act of ejaculation, it is removed from there.
Despite the pluralism of opinions among the male half of the world's population, penis enlargement by surgery is the most effective way. The main advantage of using it is the speed to achieve the desired result.
It is important to know that there are several types of operations:
- Muscle transplant.
- Perovik Technique.
- Sew subcutaneous balls on the genitals.
- Lipofilling.
- Ligamentotomy.
The first transplant on the list is necessary, if desired, to thicken the penis by three centimeters. During the operation, tissues are removed from the smooth muscles of the press, which are then wrapped around the corpora cavernosa.

The result will be correct, but be patient as the payback period can take up to a year.
As mentioned above, ball implantation is one of the riskiest and most dangerous operations. But its essence is simple: they choose special balls made of hypoallergenic material and sew them under the skin.
In lipofilling, fibers are transplanted into the penis from problem areas of the body by injection, resulting in a thickening of male dignity.
Among the exercises, special attention should be paid to the so-called jelqing, since its implementation is quite simple and the result is effective.
You must first achieve an incomplete erection, then take the penis between the index finger and thumb at the base. Pressing and at a slow pace, move towards the head and then switch hands.
In case of acute pain, the exercise should be stopped immediately and not repeated until completely stopped.
Gels and ointments
Just rub the gel on your penis. More detailed information is attached in the instructions: dosage, number of applications, frequency of rubbing, etc. Thanks to the use of special preparations, you can easily increase the thickness of your penis.
In summary, we can say that the answer to the question about a possible thickening of virility is positive. The most important thing for those who want to transform a part of their body is to choose the safest and most comfortable option in terms of price.
But sadly, men forget that the penis is not just a subject for a woman's impression, but above all a part of the body. Therefore, the desire to thicken it is not always without negative consequences. Now you know how to enlarge your penis.
There are several methods of penis enlargement, do they have any effect?
- Of course they do, but if a young person is not strong enough to do morning exercises, it is unlikely that they will be able to perform intimate gymnastics day after day on a regular basis.
- There are no more than 5% really small limbs in nature. So don't focus on length and volume. Learn to be the owner of your instrument and not leave a woman indifferent.
How to increase the thickness of the penis: diameter, volume, at home
Data obtained by nature is not always completely adapted to a person. For men, the size of the penis is of great importance. There is an opinion that the quality of sexual life depends on the thickness and length of the penis.
That is why many members of the stronger sex want to know how to increase the girth of the penis. There are medicinal, surgical and manual techniques to change the structure of an organ. Each of them has distinctive features and a list of contraindications.
Before you start using one of the methods, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with all the nuances.
Instructions for the procedure
Self-assessment of penis size is in most cases subjective. Therefore, when in doubt, consult a doctor.
This will determine if an adjustment is really needed. The average size of the organ is 16 cm in length and 8 cm in volume. 2-3cm errors are allowed in both one direction and the other direction. The intensity of the deviations depends on how to increase the thickness of the penis.

With long-term self-satisfaction by using small diameters, you can make your penis smaller.
In case of small deviations, it is sufficient to take conservative measures. These include the use of various creams and dietary supplements. In difficult situations, surgical intervention is required.
Directions for volume correction procedures are as follows:
- partner's dissatisfaction with intimacy;
- psychological disorders in the context of insufficient penis size;
- delay in physical development;
- hormonal disorders.
Ways to change the thickness
The penis thickening method is selected individually. Regardless of the option that is chosen, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the specialists. Only then will the result be noticeable.
All possible methods are conventionally divided into the following groups:
- exercise and massage;
- surgical methods;
- medication intake;
- vacuum pumps.
Surgical methods
Surgical intervention is carried out if other methods did not give the desired results. The surgeon will tell you in detail how to increase the diameter of the penis.
Surgery to correct the shape of the genital organ is considered one of the most difficult. Not all men decide due to the high risk of side effects.
There are several methods of surgical correction of the penis. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages.
Lip filler

As part of lipofilling, the penis is thickened by injecting adipose tissue from other areas of the man's body. The main advantage of the operation is the low probability of material rejection.
In most cases, the result is saved until the end of life. But over time, the injected tissue can thin. After a while, a second operation may be necessary.
Performing penis enlargement using surgical techniques is one of the most risky but effective ways.
The procedure is carried out in several stages:
- Preparation, which includes the delivery of the necessary tests and the passage of various specialists.
- Collection of fat cells from the thighs and buttocks;
- Purification of cells extracted from ichor and other impurities.
- Uniform introduction of cells into the penis.
- Wear a bandage during recovery.
Muscle transplant
During transplantation, muscle tissue is removed from the abdominal corset area or armpit. Enlargement of the penis is accomplished by "wrapping" it in prepared tissue.
They are fixed by suturing the vessels. As a result of the procedure, the thickness of the organ increases by 3-4 cm.
Perovik Technique
The most difficult operation is performed using the penovik technique. It involves the complete separation of the parts of the penis to implant a framework of cartilage between them. This type of operation is performed in extreme cases. This is due to the high probability of complications.
These include the following:
- scar formation;
- inflammatory process;
- rejection of foreign tissues;
- decreased sensitivity of the organ;
- incorrect tissue fusion.
The recovery process after surgery is long, about 12 months. To prevent the inflammatory process, the first time you will have to take antibiotics. Sexual activity should be limited. If you have the slightest sign of complications, you should see a doctor.
Ball implant
A specific, but no less common, method of increasing the circumference of the male organ is the implantation of balls. They are made of hypoallergenic material. The procedure allows you to increase the thickness of the penis in certain areas.
As a result, during intimacy there is additional stimulation to the partner's erogenous points. The advantages of the procedure include the relative ease of implementation.
Foreign body implantation is performed not only by the surgeon, but also by an expert in the field of body modification.
When various materials are injected under the skin, the man should be aware of the risk of complications. There is the possibility of an inflammatory process and material rejection.
Non-operational methods
The main advantage of non-surgical penile thickening methods is health safety and the low probability of complications. How you can increase the size and thickness of the penis, the attending physician will tell you. You will study the history and select the most optimal treatment regimen. Making a decision on your own is not recommended.
Massage and exercise
The purpose of penile exercises and massage is to expand the corpora cavernosa. During arousal, they increase in size, accommodating the blood that surges. The greater the capacity of the bodies, the greater the thickness of the penis.
The result of manual influence on the penis becomes apparent after the course of treatment. If necessary, after a short break, repeated sessions are performed.
Exercises must be performed using specific techniques. Their violation leads to organ damage. The effectiveness of the exercise depends on the regularity of the penis enlargement workouts. The load during exercise should increase over time.
The most common and effective exercises are:
- You should extend the member forward as far as possible and then tilt it in different directions. In each of them, the organ is fixed for 10 seconds.
- Holding the base of the penis firmly with your fingers, you should move it towards the head and squeeze it even tighter for a few seconds. This exercise is repeated at least 10 times.
- Using your index finger and thumb, massage the base of the penis, carefully stretching the skin. Little by little, the movements are replaced by patting and pinching.

Extender is a modern device designed to stretch the penis with a special weight. The total use period of the extender is 2 months. Longer use can be harmful to health as it puts pressure on the genitals.
The process of stretching the penis increases the elasticity of the tissues and stimulates cell growth. When an organ is in an erect state, swelling occurs as a result of blood flow.
The effect is achieved by constantly stretching the tissues of the penis, which leads to their growth and, as a result, to a change in volume.
This helps to increase its volume. On average, the monthly increase in parameters is 5 ml. After 2 months of using the device, the penis increases 1 cm. The maximum possible result (provided the extender is used for a long time) is 4 cm.
The following factors influence the effectiveness of the procedure:
- Regularity in the placement of the device. To achieve the desired effect, it must be used daily.
- Hormonal status. If the problem is caused by a lack of testosterone, then using an extender will be useless.
- The original structure of the organ.
- The age of the man. At a more mature age, it is more difficult to change anatomical data than at a young age.
Vacuum pump
The action of a vacuum pump is based on alternating pressure on the penis. The pump is a device that consists of a bulb for the penis and a lever for the supply of air.
After placing the penis in the flask, negative pressure is applied, which stimulates blood flow to the pelvic organs. Due to this, stagnation is eliminated.
When used regularly, a vacuum pump increases the volume of the penis at home.
As a result of its use, erection problems are eliminated and the girth of the penis increases. Negative aspects include short-term retention of the result.
When choosing a pump, it is recommended to pay attention to its composition. A hypoallergenic material is the most suitable. The desire to save money in this case is inappropriate. The parts of the appliance must be strong and resistant to wear.
Ointments and creams
The main benefit of thickening creams and ointments is their local use. The active ingredients do not enter the bloodstream. Therefore, side effects develop in rare cases.
After applying such products, it is irritating. Improves blood circulation by promoting blood flow to the genital organ.
Exotic substances and plant extracts act as active ingredients. The effect of using topical agents is almost instantaneous. They are applied immediately before intercourse. The penis becomes more voluminous, improves the erection and increases the resistance of the man.
The deficiencies of creams and ointments are short-lived. It does not last more than 1-2 days. Before use, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications and the possibility of side effects. Among them, an allergic reaction to the constituent components is distinguished.
An integrated approach will help increase penis size. The effect will be more noticeable when you combine several techniques at the same time.
Hormonal pills

The most pressing question that worries many men is how to increase penis girth using hormonal pills. Its effectiveness is due to its ability to increase testosterone levels in the body.
Treatment does not involve manual or surgical manipulation of the genitals. Increasing the volume of the penis occurs naturally under the influence of internal body processes.
The downsides of taking hormonal medications include a high risk of secondary symptoms. Improper use of the pills leads to excess body hair, hardening of the voice, and increased irritability.
Uncontrolled use of hormonal medications on your own can lead to serious complications and complete loss of erection.
Before using the pills, you need to perform an analysis that determines the hormonal status. The intake of hormones is justified only if there are corresponding problems. If testosterone is normal, these drugs will have the opposite effect.
There are medications for sale that stimulate the production of your own testosterone. They are prescribed as part of replacement therapy. Such treatment is carried out with a decrease in erectile function, dysfunction of the thyroid gland and age-related changes.
The choice of how to change the penis volume should be based on the complexity of the situation. It is determined individually. In case of small deviations, it is recommended to resort to the use of medicinal creams or ointments. In case of hormonal disorders, pills are taken. Surgical intervention is indicated only in difficult situations when other methods are ineffective.
Method selection
The choice of thickening method is not always determined by man's desire. This is especially true for surgical methods. A contraindication can be not only a pathology, but also the anatomical features of the structure of the penis and surrounding tissues. Usually, the doctor, already at the initial consultation, when examining the organ, describes to the patient the possibilities and prospects of its increase.
It is also not recommended to start independent exercises to enlarge the penis without consulting an andrologist. By passing the tests, contraindications can be identified, for example:
- Infections.
- Corpus cavernosum defects.
- Poor blood clotting.
- Problems with the vessels in the groin area.
A good specialist can advise on certain techniques and accessories for freelance work.
It should not make your penis thicker:
- Perform heavy exercises without an adaptation period, endure pain during training, allow the tissues of the penis to turn blue and blackened;
- At home, inject petroleum jelly and other substances (including hormonal injections), as well as balls, under the skin of the penis;
- Insist on no-indication surgery.
Too intense training will not lead to thickening of the penis, but to loss of erection. Possible necrosis of the penile tissues, extensive bruising.
Any traumatic intervention (including injections) should be performed by a specialist in a hospital setting; the most common cause of suppuration (up to penile deformity) is infection.
When choosing a way to thicken the penis, you need to focus on a number of indicators: the initial parameters of the organ, your own age, the availability of free time and finances. Young men grow in size faster and more easily with the help of exercises and appliances than in adulthood (tissues lose elasticity over time).
The effect of inexpensive surgical operations lasts between 1 and 1. 5 years and the probability of complications is always there. Only high-tech interventions, which are not available to everyone, guarantee the preservation of the achieved thickening of the penis.