Men are often dissatisfied with the size of their penis, which causes psychological discomfort and complexes in the area of sexual life. To increase self-esteem and improve sexual relations with their partner, the male population resorts to penis enlargement.
Modern medicine offers the following methods to enlarge the penis:
- ligamentotomy: penis lengthening;
- lipofilling: thickening of the penis.
To determine if you need surgery to lengthen or thicken the penis, you should consult a specialized doctor. You should undergo an examination and tell the doctor about your problem, as well as the desired result.
penis enlargement
Ligamentotomy (penis enlargement) is a surgical operation during which the ligamentous apparatus that holds the penis is crossed in the perineum, that is, the free portion of the penis is enlarged by reducing its hidden section (the part of the penis inside the body). . . Before the operation, it is necessary to undergo a series of tests (urine and blood tests, tests for hepatitis, HIV, syphilis, ECG) and consult with an anesthesiologist (since the operation is performed under general anesthesia, it lasts about an hour ). ). After the operation, it is necessary to wear an extender for 2-3 months (a special device that allows not only to consolidate the result of the operation, but also prevents the formation of adhesions, promotes the physiological growth of the membranes and tissues of the penis). It is also necessary to carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene and comply with certain precautions (limit physical activity, sexual abstinence, etc. ).
penis thickening
Lipofilling (penis thickening) is an injection of adipose tissue into the penis in order to increase its diameter and give it the required shape. The fatty tissues that are removed from areas of excess deposition (abdomen, buttocks, etc. ) through liposuction must belong directly to the patient. This helps prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions that are seen when a foreign implant is inserted. Adipose tissue is injected through micropunctures into the penis, then a surgical patch is applied and a bandage is applied on top. The main requirement in the postoperative period is abstinence from sexual relations. The disadvantage of this method is that the transplanted fat tissues tend to dissolve because they are deprived of the vessels that nourished them. As a result, the tissue can dissolve unevenly and this causes deformation of the penis.
Popular customer questions
How long after surgery is it safe to resume sexual activity?
In this matter, everything is individual. In some cases, 2 months are enough for recovery; In others, recovery takes about six months. It all depends on individual indicators and how quickly the implants take root. Resumption of sexual activity after penile lengthening or thickening surgery should be discussed with your urologist during a consultation. The doctor will be able to give more precise recommendations on this issue, based on your individual data.
What is an extender and why is it so important during the recovery period?
An extender is a special stretching device used for rehabilitation after surgery. It is recommended that the patient wears the extender for 2-3 months until complete recovery. It will not bring discomfort in everyday life, but will affect the result; This procedure will serve to consolidate the operation.
An extender is also used to enlarge the penis without surgery, but in this situation it is better to consult a urologist beforehand and follow his recommendations in this procedure.
It is worth noting that using an extender will not affect potency or reproductive function in any way.
Will penis enlargement surgery affect my ability to have children?
No. Reproductive function remains the same as before the operation. However, after penis enlargement surgery, it is advisable to perform tests to check this possibility. It would not hurt to pay attention to this before the operation in order to compare the results before and after in this direction.
What negative consequences are possible after the operation?
The quality of the operation depends largely on the experience of the urological surgeon, as well as the quality of the materials he uses. In addition, there may be some individual contraindications to this procedure. First of all, they are determined by your doctor at the consultation stage, but in general, contraindications include diseases of internal organs, blood coagulation disorders, diabetes mellitus, cancer, etc. Acute infectious diseases during the operation can also negatively affect the outcome of the procedure, so be sure to inform the urologist about them.