Everyone knows how important a figure is to women, and if she is recovering even the smallest gram, then it is a real tragedy. The situation is the same for men, but they are more concerned with the size of her penis. Men resort to all kinds of tricks to increase the size of their penis at least slightly. Such a desire is to some extent justified, because by their nature the representatives of the stronger sex are men who, by whatever means, want to please women. But the small size of a man's penis chains him and makes him unsafe, of course, this does not affect in the best way the productive quality of his life.
Ways to solve the problem.
Today, a large number of ways in the fight against such problems in men are known, ranging from all kinds of creams, ointments, to surgical intervention. But the simplest and safest remedy is effective penis enlargement exercises. You can see these exercises in the video on the net. They are very simple and you can do them at home.

Therefore, if you have decided to use this method to increase the penis at home, you should prepare for the exercises. To complete them, you will need to bring a clean towel, lubricant and a tape measure, and do not forget a notebook in which you will write down the results. First, you need to do the following: measure your penis and record its size in a notebook, and then record your progress each week.
An important point: even from school, we all know the structure of the male genital organ. If you still do not remember, remember: it consists of three cameras: a small one is at the bottom and two large ones at the top. The lower chamber is for urination, while the rest is for erection.
Exercises for different purposes.
Let's look at several exercises that have different objectives:
1. Exercises to thicken the penis
Exercises that are designed to thicken the penis also have a couple of severity levels and are generally divided into:
- compression and its types;
- cyclic.
For the thickness of the penis, any exercise should be done after warming up and warming up, and in the end it is necessary to perform a massage. This will give you a penis that is at least 3 cm thick and you will also be able to relax. It is necessary to do everything, taking into account safety precautions, and with a slight feeling of pain, it is better to immediately stop the exercise so that there are no injuries. You may notice changes in the thickness of the penis over time. And if you are not satisfied with its thickness, you can continue the course.

2. Exercises to enlarge the penis at home
The penis can be lengthened by the mechanical nature of the pull. The ideal way to enlarge the penis in men is the manual method. That is, you must act with your fingers. These exercises are done for 20 minutes a day at home. And you will get an increase in the size of the penis of up to 3 centimeters. It is best to do these physical exercises at home at night or in the morning. Also, before self-medication, see your doctor for an examination and consultation.
Keep in mind that any exercise has its own stress level, which must be taken into account. It is necessary to gradually move to a more difficult level.
Before doing the complex, you should take a towel and immerse it in warm water. We place it on the stomach for a couple of minutes, and then we wrap the penis with a towel and hold it for about 5 minutes. This warm-up before performing a series of exercises is necessary to prepare the penis for loads of energy and, therefore, increase blood flow. After that, dry the penis and start the complex.
Let's take a look at some of the most effective penis enlargement exercises:
Stretch your muscles
First, you must stretch the muscles of the penis. You need to take the male genital organ under the head of the base and quietly move away from you. With this exercise you will be able to develop the ligaments that lead to the lengthening of this organ in man.
This exercise is called Jelq, which translates from Arabic as "milking. "For this exercise, you must perform a technique such as pulling up the men's penis. Don't forget to lubricate. The fully extended penis should be held in this position for about 15 seconds. The number of such repetitions should be done within five minutes, up to the 100 times mark.
The last exercise is aimed at restoring blood circulation in the pelvic organs. To do this, you will need to massage the penis in circular motions about 30 times. Thanks to this exercise, normal blood circulation is restored.
Finally, grab the penis and try to loosen the grip at the base of the penis. You should feel the blood drain. Also, if you feel pain during training, you should stop training.
3. Kegel exercises
These exercises represent a forced erection. They will help you achieve the desired length of your penis. Having processed the penis area with the help of a special cream, you need to perform vertically directed movements of a progressive nature. Over time, increase the intensity with two fingers, bringing the organ to a state of erection, before the onset of which it is necessary to squeeze the tip of the penis for a few seconds.
4. Stretching exercise
Slowly stretch the relaxed, non-erect penis for about 15 seconds for about 10 repetitions.
A similar complex must be repeated in different positions: with turns of about 360; like a pendulum; double stretch; V stretches; A-stretch marks and so on.
After training
After exercising at home, you should definitely give your penis some time to rest and recover. Also, the length of the penis can be increased by means of a special weighing device, which should be worn for about 8 hours. But this is a painful and uncomfortable way. Thanks to the above complex, you can achieve an excellent result:
- you can increase the size of the penis,
- fix the defect in it,
- improve power and much more.
In addition, for the result to be much more effective, it is necessary to stop bad habits, eat well, try not to get too cold and exercise. If you have already decided for yourself which complexes to choose, then you need to take into account all the above points. Before starting to do the complex, it is better to take a comfortable posture for yourself, observe the time intervals, always use lubricant, you must warm the penis in advance, there should be no pain during exercise.