Penis size is an issue that has been and continues to be relevant. Having decided on a penis enlargement, a man generally looks for quick ways that will maintain the effect for a long time. However, this issue must be approached very delicately so as not to cause irreparable harm to his health. Patience and self-respect will help you achieve the desired result without losing masculine strength.
How to enlarge your penis in one day
There are several ways to enlarge your penis in such a short time.
As a general rule, they all give only a temporary effect. It will not be possible to maintain the enlarged size of the penis for a long time.
Any sex toy store will offer you a wide selection of penis accessories. They come in various lengths, thicknesses, specially coated or just plain.
With the help of special accessories, you can achieve an increase in the length and girth of the penis quickly and absolutely safely for both partners. The tips are made of latex or silicone and do not cause allergic reactions.

Ointments, gels, creams, tablets and vitamins.
A man experiencing potency problems can safely seek the help of various medications. The main thing is to carefully read the composition, instructions for use and not fall for the tricks of advertising. There will be no magic rapid penis enlargement effect, however much the manufacturers try to convince you of this.
The main principle of action of ointments and gels for penis enlargement is to improve erectile function. The substances contained in such preparations increase blood flow to the penis, as a result of which the man feels pleasantly hot and aroused. Creams are mainly used before intercourse to achieve long-lasting erections and enhance the pleasure obtained from intimacy.

Particular attention should be paid to drugs and vitamins for penis enlargement. A careful study of the composition of the tablets will help to identify the presence of male sex hormones, such as testosterone. Inadequate intake of hormonal medications can lead to a disruption in a man's sexual activity. Erection pills must contain natural ingredients, extracts of various medicinal plants (ginger, ginseng, etc. ), vitamins (A, B, C, E) and trace elements (zinc, magnesium, selenium).
Important!Look for creams and gels that contain natural ingredients. You need to buy penis enlargement drugs and cosmetics only from certified stores or pharmacies.
You can quickly enlarge your penis at home with the help of Vaseline injections. This procedure is carried out exclusively at home; not a single doctor will give you injections in the clinic, as this method is prohibited by traditional medicine.
Approximately 15 ml of Vaseline is drawn into the syringe and injected at a 45 degree angle into the drawn fold of the penis. Injections are given until the petroleum jelly is evenly distributed over the tissues of the penis. Vaseline injections can instantly increase the girth of the penis and increase its elasticity in a non-erect state.
The method causes strong inflammatory reactions in the tissues of the penis. After some time, neoplasms form inside the organ, which must be surgically removed.
How to enlarge a member in a week, in a month
One of the fastest ways to enlarge your penis is surgery. Cosmetic procedures of this type are performed by transferring fat or other tissues from the man's body to the penis. Doctors can increase the length of the penis by cutting the internal ligaments, or increase the thickness and volume with implants, silicone injection or biogel. The surgical method is used only in the presence of pathologies, diseases or curvature of organs.
The rehabilitation period can last from several weeks to several months. In the postoperative period, a man is prohibited from living sexually and masturbating, it is necessary for him to be constantly monitored by a doctor to take medication.
Penis enlargement surgeries are very expensive and are performed only if indicated.

Exercises: massage, jelqing, kegel
Regular performance of special massages, as well as exercises according to the jelqing and Kegel method, will help to achieve the desired result after a month.
A regular massage can be performed at any time at home by pulling the erect penis from the shaft to the glans and vice versa. To avoid discomfort, use various lubricants or special gels and ointments.
Jelqing massage is performed in the same way using the thumb and index finger connected in a ring.
The Kegel technique aims to improve potency and sexual activity. With the help of exercise, the pubococcygeus muscle is trained. This muscle can be felt when urinating when trying to stop the stream. To achieve the result of training, you need to perform every day, straining the muscle for 3 seconds, 20 times during the day.
The main thing when exercising is not to cause discomfort and to prevent bruising.
Pump, extender
It is not difficult to buy a vacuum pump or extender. Special devices are sold in any intimate goods store. The pump works on the principle of a pump and forces the blood to actively flow to the tissues of the penis, resulting in a powerful erection. This method, if used wisely, is completely harmless and will help to enlarge the penis a couple of centimeters.
The extender increases the length of the penis. The device is placed on the penis and is worn for several hours every day. The effect is achieved as a result of tissue stretching, which forces cells to divide and grow, filling the empty space. The method has been tried by many men, who notice an increase in penis length of 1. 5 to 2 cm after several months of regular use.
It is possible to increase your manhood quickly. Today, there are many ways and methods to help you get quick results in a day, a week, or a month. However, it is up to you whether it is worth sacrificing your health to save time or simply continue to enjoy an active sex life without drugs or surgery.